"The best antidote for anxiety is taking thoughtful action."
-Susie Casserd, Founder of The Crossover Method™

My lifelong passion for health didn't always carry through when it came to my daily life....
If you had told me I would be able to completely kick free of a 25-year long eating disorder (up and down a 70 pound range), resolve chronic back, joint and body pain after 18 years and six orthopedic surgeries, and easily pivot at will my food choices with one simple process I would never have believed it!
I'm here to help you become FREE of food-related obstacles and make the transition to non-inflammatory, planet-friendly eating and lifestyle habits. My Crossover Method™ is a gentle, inside-out customized process congruent with one's personal values, spiritual orientation, and life pacing. I use my experience, intuitive faculty, and the holistic Functional Nutrition Matrix model to identify what may be affecting your day-to-day health and wellbeing. I combine it with Dr. David Hanscom’s Dynamic Healing model for resolving chronic mental, emotional, or physical pain, and Dr. Stephen Porges's Polyvagal Theory (nervous system, stress, and trauma). Together, we look through the lens of Suzi Lula's Emotional Messenger System and the very beliefs about ourselves that are playing out as our life. We discover how even longstanding blockages can shift as we release their hold on us. Everything is connected!

Want to know the secret?
Every symptom is interconnected and it is all FOR you, not against you. It's pointing the way to exactly what wants your attention in support of YOU. It's meeting your need exactly where you are, even if it doesn't look that way to you right now.
I had no idea that the source of my eating disorders and the root of my chronic pain was the same! And ultimately, there was no one to blame, not even myself. We've just been looking in the wrong direction. We've been looking outward and trying to change our outer world and outer self to feel better and to fit the way we think we should be, rather than the way it truly is. This pulls us out of present moment awareness and can result in feeling like a powerless victim.

We've been taught culturally to focus on the outside of us, when the true genesis comes from deep within, a persistent biological imperative of raw survival built into our bodies. There is also a persistent and powerful evolutionary inner drive to consciously activate our higher self. I'm here to share with you how to work with these natural dynamics that influence our lives and our food decisions, so you can flow with it, not against it. Then, as we are freed up by expanding our inner awareness, we become even more tuned into our gifts, mission and purpose.
There are so many things I wished I had known during those years of frustration and suffering. I’m dedicated to sharing with you the juicy, behind-the scenes details about all the different aspects of resolving food concerns that most people don’t talk about.
Values. Emotions. Trust. Beliefs. Fears. Body image.Triggers. Trauma. Navigating the food landscape. Shame. Social connection, or disconnection. Isolation. Anxiety & anger. Self-esteem. Loss. Feeling safe. Feeling less then. Insomnia. Body pain. Betrayal. Bonding. Inner child. Obstacles. Bullying. Self-talk. Healing addiction. Roots of addiction. Protecting your space. Intuition. Opening the heart to what wants to emerge through you.
Over the 23+ years since my food issues were resolved, and the 20+ years since being certified as a professional life coach (by the International Coach Federation), I’ve worked with hundreds of people, in 1:1 private sessions, teaching classes, holding support groups for men and women, and talking with kids in schools about eating disorders and food issues.
I was educated in functional nutrition counseling through Andrea Nakayama's "Full Body Systems" curriculum, The Functional Nutrition Alliance. I learned valuable inner child work with the Founders of Inner Bonding™ Learning Technologies, Dr. Margie Paul and Dr. Erika Chopich. I greatly expanded this understanding through Suzi Lula's Soul Care Coaching Certification courses in 2023 and 2024.
Previously, I was a fine arts painter, owned a custom sewing studio and was a corporate and home professional organizer, a non-competitive bodybuilder, and trained horses naturally through Parelli Natural Horsemanship for many years. All of these modalities lend great dimension to my work now as a coach.
I received my training in processing chronic pain and I work with students of Dr. David Hanscom's chronic pain/chronic disease resolution program www.TheDOCJourney.com I applied key parts of his discoveries to the infrastructure of my already developed Crossover Method™. I highly recommend Dr. Hanscom's program for those of you who are feeling trapped by pain or overwhelming stress.
My current personal learning edge is about realizing our innate wholeness and alignment with universal law, the joining together of science and spirituality in all aspects of personal transformation.

I am here to assist you in finding your natural control, inner peace around food, and to utilize your deep wisdom as only you can. A great way to start is by joining my email newsletter at the bottom of this page, or request a free Discovery Call (just click the button at the top right corner of this page ).
Want to know more?
To read the nitty-gritty details about how I kicked free of food issues in 1999 using The Crossover Method™, click below for exerpts to my book-in-progress, is food consuming YOU? You'll also find out what the 5 Essential Skills to resolving food issues are!
Take Me to the Book ExcerptsDo you dream of resolving your food challenges?
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"Let us make a thoughtful, food-inclusive transition to non-toxic, non-inflammatory eating, in harmony with Nature, protecting our health, the animals, and the future of life on planet Earth."
~ Susan A. Casserd