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Shopping (page currently under construction)

Products that enhance your health and wellbeing, make life a little easier,  and for pure fun and enjoyment ❤️

** Everything you see here are products that have been used regularly by Coach Susie and others, and have proven their effectiveness and durability over time. 

Self Care is a daily practice

 about how we hold and treat ourselves.  

Our self-regard and what we believe about ourselves determines how we treat others, so it is SO very important that we are consistently nourishing ourselves effectively.

There is much to learn about eating and lifestyle habits, but where the change actually occurs first, is applying what we learn to how we care for ourselves as we navigate our daily lives.  Moment to moment, our inner conversation and the actions we take makes real our inner growth, or "embodiment." Another way of saying it is, IT IS OUR DAILY PERSONAL PRACTICES that matter most when it comes to everything else we do!

The most important part is creating a safe, comfortable, "sweet spot" both within and without that nourishes us, no matter what! That is what my Shopping page is all about...please stay tuned!  In the meantime, be sure you're signed up to receive my free weekly emails. You'll find the sign-up below. 

If you would like to know more about my individual and/or group coaching programs, please click on the Discovery Coaching Call button and I will contact you.                                                          Peace & Blessings, Coach Susie 

Free Discovery Coaching Call with Coach Susie 

Premiere Coaching with Coach Susie ~ Single Session

Premiere Coaching with Coach Susie ~ 3 Session Package


Premiere Coaching with Coach Susie ~ 6 Session Package


"Big Table" Support Group ~ 8 Weekly Sessions


Do you dream of resolving your food challenges?

Sign up and receive my inspirational weekly newsletter and blog with lots of helpful tips!

"Let us make a thoughtful, food-inclusive transition to non-toxic, non-inflammatory eating, in harmony with Nature, protecting our health, the animals, and the future of life on planet Earth."  ~ Susan A. Casserd