Book a FREE Discovery Call

“Want to kick free of your unwanted eating habits?”


The Big Table” is a fun and enriching coaching support and discussion group for everyone over 18 who wants to become free of unwanted eating habits, find out why they are occurring, and learn how to integrate anti-inflammatory, planet-friendly nutrition and living into their lives, led by Coach Susie.  We honor all eating styles and offer a supported process of gradual change, always optional for when the individual is ready for it.

“I’m a participant in Coach Susie‘s Big Table. I joined because I want to deal with my emotional issues around food. Coach Susie provides a safe, loving and nurturing environment for those of us sharing our fears, challenges and wins. Thank you, Susie. You are loved.”
Jill L.

Inflammation is a core component of stress and  just about all chronic physical and mental health conditions, and stress plays a huge role in struggles with food, yet there is SO much we can do. We are NOT helpless victims of our cravings!  By understanding why it's happening (you might be surprised!), exploring how we're personally being affected, and using easy “kitchen medicine," we can shift the trajectory through advancing our lifestyle habits.

You’re invited to join our group of caring individuals, each with their own unique food challenges and at different stages in their life journey. 


Welcome to the suffer-free, dieting-free, no-pressure zone!

Click here for the topics we'll explore during our 8-week gathering

We will explore the connections between food, stress, personal history, social norms and pressures, our biological imperative to survive, spirituality, life purpose, our values, and how to implement thoughtful, generous, self-loving habit change. 

You’ll learn about food in a new way, not from a calories or dieting perspective, but as a thriving, evolving way of being that elicits happiness and joy in your heart, no longer living in fear or rebellion of food, restriction, deprivation, or food rules. 

The focus is on health and fulfillment, not weight loss, although that very well may happen.  You'll learn how to make gradual changes that last -- on your terms and your timetable.

You’ll emerge with a much wider vision of the factors affecting you every day, and how you can detect and field them well.  The group is a wonderful place to receive nonjudgmental  support and understanding from like-minded people that is often missing.  We are in this together!

“The Big Table was a heart and eye opener for me.  Susie was so flexible with the special needs of the group that flowed organically.  I saw big changes over just a few months.”  -Karen W., 2024

As a group, we’ll be learning and practicing reliable, self-empowering skills, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions, be gently coached through obstacles if desired (totally optional) or ask your tablemates for input.  Sessions are not recorded, and confidentiality is key to the safe space we create together.  Your pets are welcome, too!

Our time together will be filled with learning, relaxation, sharing, play, and creativity in how we process what life throws at us.  There will be lots of up-to-date non-confusing food information, as well as how food interacts with our human body.  It’s a lot to cover, with many different aspects delivered in bite-sized pieces, so this is an ongoing group with the option to renew every 8 weeks.


*Part of our time together will include the option of being assigned a buddy to connect with between meetings, to practice and support the changes you want to make!  This is optional for those who would like to participate.


The first step to joining the group is to click below and request a Discovery Call so we can get to know each other and to get all your questions answered confidentially. 

Coach Susie

"I look forward to meeting you!!"

Step 1:

Discovery Call: 

Book your call with Coach Susie to learn more and ask questions! (required before joining).

Signing Up Process: 

If you decide you'd like to join the Big Table, during or after your Discovery Call, Susie will send you an email containing the link for signing up.  Simple!  She will be available for any questions you have.

Click Here


Do you dream of resolving your food challenges?

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"Let us make a thoughtful and food-inclusive transition to non-toxic, non-inflammatory eating, in harmony with Nature, protecting our health, the animals, and the future of life on planet Earth."  ~ Susan A. Casserd